My name is Arthur H. Johnson II. I'm a Linux expert, 4th Degree Knight of Columbus, proud Catholic, and father of a family of four, and we LOVE gaming. Our Wii gets daily exercise, the girls are seldom without their Nintendo DS's. However their main passion is Dungeons and Dragons. They love to roll the bones around the game table, pushing miniatures, and exploring high fantasy worlds of imagination. One of their favorite shows is Legend of the Seeker and love to watch Lord of the Rings, although they have been talking about How to Train Your Dragon for weeks. My oldest daughter, Lily, was born in 2000, and the younger, Rose, was born in 2006.
We are currently gaming with Swords and Wizardry Whitebox. My daughter is going to be using the boxed set from Brave Halfling Publishing ( ) and I'm using the Lulu printed copy of the First Print Edition. We supplement the campaign with OSRIC and Swords and Wizardry 0E Reloaded Monster Book. Eventually we want to get the core rules of S&W, but are having just too much fun with Whitebox. It only takes us about 20 mins to roll up a whole party of player characters, and with OSRIC and a few other free suppliments we are able to pretty much game on the fly.
I'm documenting our adventures in the land of adventure. The posts will show up at both and Mainly we will be covering our adventures with Dungeons and Dragons, but may stray into the realm of board games and video games.
I look forward to sharing with all of you!
Happy Adventuring,
Arthur H. Johnson II
Very excited to hear about you gaming with your family. I game with my two boys (11 & 13) with both D&D 3.5 and D&D Rules Cyclopedia. Both started playing about 5 years ago. We've been having a great time. Hopefully I'll get back to logging our adventures on my blog or over at Obsidian Portal. Happy Adventuring.